Thursday, January 24, 2019

How to Improve your Drawing Skills

Drawing Skills

No matter what type of artist you are, the chances are pencil drawing was the skill that helped you to learn how to draw and kicked off your creative journey. Understanding the fundamentals and process of drawing is essential for becoming a better artist.

Click on below Video: How to Practice and Improve your Arts Skills

Drawing slows you down. When you draw you take time to look at something, to analyze and recreate it. You are not simply setting up to capture it and move on to the next image. You become acutely aware of form, color and proportion. Understand light effect and shadow and how they reveal and define a style.

Drawing Skills

5 Tips to Improve your Drawing Skills

Practice will make you a better artist in drawing and these five simple tips help you to improve your drawing skills faster and improve your perception to see better what you're drawing.

1. Make a Grid

This is important if you experience from not being able to proportion out your sketches correctly. While keeping your dimensions straight for more realistic drawings, measuring out a square grid can keep you in check.

Click on below Video: How to draw a Face using Grid Method

The very first step is to measure out a square grid over the image you plan on copying on your paper, then copy the same grid with the same measurements onto your drawing paper then try to draw that identical image from square to square. This way you make the image as a whole less daunting and intimidating by breaking down in the different parts. If your image paper and sketch paper are of the same size, then the image you create on the grid should match up. If you are using a light shaded pencil on the grid, you should be able to erase them later using an eraser.

2. Make Use of Different Shapes

If you have a problem with complicated subject matter such as people, animals or random object then start it by breaking down your subject with basic shapes and draw them onto paper before grabbing the more complicated aspects of drawing.

Draw lightly so you can erase and recreate the big or small shapes with perfect defined lines as you continue to sketch the fine details. This will help ease the problem of getting bogged down on small details while helping you to gain perspective on the general form.

3. Gestural Motion Drawings

Try to practice with gesture motion drawings. This technique helps you to improve your drawing skills. By capturing the motions of people or animal, you can quickly gain a comprehensive perspective of how different forms, muscles and bodies move and react in motion. Spend 2 minutes in visualizing and drawing the motion of any subject you like that interests you are disregarding details and focusing only on form. This helps you in visualizing how different bodies move in motion and loosen up drawings and pictures. By getting a better view of a base form, you won't be restricted to sketches that look stiff, boxy of contrived.

Click on below Video: How to Draw - Gestures and Motion

4. Change your Drawing Equipment

Drawing EquipmentSometimes the medium you prefer most such as charcoal or pen can be a bit restrictive. By shaping up your drawing medium every now and again, you can find that you can get new styles or effects of drawing. Try to use a large pencil like Jerry’s Jumbo Jet Black Pencil for a blended effect on the sketch. If you use a dull number 2 pencil when you sketch, try to use a sharp technical pen and drawing pen for crisp, sharp lines that create a refined style and more professional drawing.

5. Practice

"Practices Makes You Perfect" and technically it is true. Do practice in your free time. When you wake up and before you go to bed wherever you are on the bus, on the train, at lunch use your time to improve your drawing skills. But by varying up your subjects, when you draw and where you draw, you can learn a lot about the different ways of drawing. It’s possible that you can be more inspired drawing from real life than from a printed out photograph or picture. You can only learn these things by continually drawing and gaining new experiences and animation techniques. As your experience grows and your drawing subjects vary more and more, you will get a better experience and improve your drawing skills quickly.

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