Tuesday, November 6, 2018

Improve Your Video Editing Work

Video Editing Work

Video Editing Work

The video editors use the technique to shape their content and reveals a lot about how people create meaning in the world. Video Editors have a deep understanding of how people feel, think and learn, and we use this knowledge to build strong, moving stories and experiences. The best editing decisions come from understanding both for people who exist virtually on the screen and for the audience watching them. Here are some tips to improve your video editing work using an example of speaker and audience.

6 Tips to Improve your Video Editing Work

1. Best Camera Angles

Choose the best camera angles for every moment. As you look at the footage, your goal is to balance the speaker intent with expectations of the web audience. Think about where the audience would want to be looking at different points during talk if they were in the room that helps you to select the best camera angle to reconstruct every moment. By thinking about it, also you are choosing angles that help the speaker to express his/her story in a better way.

2. Body Language

Watch a speaker’s body language and watch how they talk. Language is embodied. A speakers’ words, thoughts and breath are all the revealed through the body language. Meanwhile, each speaker has a unique rhythm and flow to their voice. If you pay attention to these points, it provides a natural rhythm for editing, and all feels intuitive for the audience, too.

3. Cut on Action

One way to make the edit between two shots looks invisible is by cutting on a gesture. The watcher sees the beginning of a motion that starts in one shot and follows it as it crosses the edit and ends in the next shot. The completion of the gesture masks the edit.

4. Cut on Words

The word sound, especially if it contains a hard consonant, can make an edit feel less obvious. When the word is one that is related to the main point of the speaker’s speech, the edit can highlight that word and make it memorable.

Click on Below Link: Cutting on Action

5. Break up Graphics

The slides that speakers use often stay on screen for quite a while. Try to break the slide up into parts so that just the relevant parts of the slide are shown in time with the speaker’s words. This may or may not help in editing, but the point is: be methodical with directing attention.

6. Edit out Mistakes

Edit out both speaker errors and technical errors. We often mask these edits by cutting on action. Take a look at an example of how that is done. First, you hear two sentences that are hooked together by an “um,” something many of the speakers do this without realizing it.

Now the “um” is edited out editor, by cutting between two shots during an action-filled moment.

Click on Below Link: How to edit out your Mistakes

Try out some of these tips to improve your video editing work and see what you like and how it expands your editing work style.

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